Page Under Construction
We are currently transitioning from Tuatara Collective Limited to Tuatara Collective Trust. Only website information relevant to this organisational structural change is being updated.
All project-based information remains unchanged.
All sponsorships will go towards:
Resources to develop and present new and original productions, including:
writing / devising the script / text,
set design and construction,
costume design and construction,
props design and construction/sourcing,
performance venue hire,
rehearsal venue hire,
composing / producing music,
creating marketing content,
printing advertising materials,
etc. etc.
The ability to keep ticket prices low for our target communities
Administration and management costs, including ticketing fees
The success of our future seasons and the continuation of Tuatara Collective as a reputable theatre company
The growth of Tuatara Collective's creative community and cultural audience
Training and counselling for cast, crew and audience members
TUATARA sponsors will support our vision:
Our art is important.
Our art is rongoā.
Our art, our people.
Our art, our future.
Benefits include:
1 x quarter page ad in our show programmes
1 x post on social media about you and/or your product or service
Your logo with link to your website on Tuatara Collective home page for 1 year
4 complimentary tickets to any performance of your choice
Framed certificate for your office
WHEKE $1,000
WHEKE sponsors give heart to our work, helping us realise our potential.
Benefits include:
1 x half page ad in our show programmes
2 x post on social media about you and/or your product or service
Your logo with link to your website on Tuatara Collective home page for one year
12 complimentary tickets to any performance of your choice
Framed certificate for your office
RURU $2,500
RURU sponsors will give our projects wings,
allowing them to take flight.
Benefits include:
1 x full page ad in our show programmes
5 x posts on social media about you and/or your product or service
Your logo with link to your website on Tuatara Collective home page for one year
30 complimentary tickets to any performance of your choice
Framed certificate for your office
RĀTĀ $5,000+
RĀTĀ sponsors will support our growth,
helping us towards a strong and sustainable future.
Benefits can be negotiated.
Do you have goods or services to offer? Want to trade?
We have advertising opportunities and ticket discounts to offer you.